2011-present The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Professor, Division of Life Science, and Division of Bioengineering
Director, the Biological NMR Center, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2016-)
Director, the cryo-EM facility at HKUST (CW)/Associate Director of the Laboratory Animal Facility (VPRDO) (Oct. 1, 2022-2024)
Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (2014-2023)

2011-present The Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong
Professor, Division of Life Science, and Division of Bioengineering
Director, the Biological NMR Center, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2016-)
Director, the cryo-EM facility at HKUST (CW)/Associate Director of the Laboratory Animal Facility (VPRDO) (Oct. 1, 2022-2024)
Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (2014-2023)
1992-1993 NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
Postdoctoral fellow, Biological NMR Spectroscopy, NMR of DNA and Proteins.
Research Advisor: Dr. Ad BAX (NIDDK/NIH)
2001-2012 The Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry,
Director, Biological NMR Center (2000-2005), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Associate Director (2006-2014), Center for Bioengineering and Biomedical devices at the Nanshan Campus.
1987-1992 University of Maryland, College Park, MD,USA
Ph.D. in Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Multidimensional NMR Signal Processing
Research Advisor: Dr. Ad BAX (NIDDK/NIH)
1985-1987 Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA
M.S. in Physics.
Distribution of Energy in Polymers Due to Incident Electrons and Protons
Research Advisor: Prof. Govind S. Khandelwal.
1978-1982 Northwest University, Xian, P.R. of China
B.S. in Laser Physics.
1994-2001 The Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry
Director, the Biological NMR Center, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
1993-1994 University of Maryland, MD, USA
Research Associate, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NMR Signal Processing
1994-Present The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Undergraduate teaching: introduction of biochemistry, and introduction of biophysics, chemistry and life. Graduate teaching: biophysics and biomolecular NMR; seminar and laboratory techniques.
BEST RESEARCHER AWARD, 1553, ScienceFather (2023)
National Scientific Award, Shenzhen Bureau of Innovative Technology (2014)
WAN Tianjuan Prize in Magnetic Resonance (2002)
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Houston (2003)
NIH intramural research training award fellowship (1992-1993).
Univ. of Maryland /NIH Biophysics fellowship, University of Maryland at College Park (1987-1992) (the first student in the program).
NFgB honor society membership (1987-present).
Graduate Student Tuition Scholarship, Old Dominion University (1986).
Graduate research fellowship, Old Dominion University (1985 - 1987)
Member of the European Academy of Natural Science (2023), Hov, Germany.
Editorial board Member of Scientific Report (Nature group) (2016-2018)
Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance (2001-)
Editorial board member of Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging (2012-)
Associate Editor of Spectroscopy, an international journal (England)(2001-2011)
Vice Chairman, committee of the Chinese NMR society (2001-)
Vice president of Hong Kong Biophysical society (2007-2016)
President of Hong Kong Biophysical society (2017-)
Council member of Hong Kong Society of Biochemistry (2018-)
Steering committee member of Asia Biophysics Association (2011-)
Zhijiang Scholar and Advisory Professor, East China Normal University (2001-2011)
Guest Professor, Peking University, medical school (2002).
Guest Professor, Shanghai Institute of Material Medica, Chinese Academy of Science (2002)
Secretary of East Asia Biophysics Society (2009-2011)
Member of SCBA
Member of Asia-Pacific Internal Molecular Biology Network
Chairman of the search and substantiation committee, Bioscience and Bioengineering thrust, HKUST, GZ (2020-2021)
Member of the search and substantiation committee, Bioscience and Bioengineering thrust, HKUST, GZ (2021-)
Member of the appointment and substantiation committee, School of Science, HKUST CW (2020-2022)
Member of the substantiation and promotion committee, LIFS, HKUST CW (2021-).
Chairman of the Search committee for chemical biology program HKUST (2021-)
Chairman of cryo-EM management committee HKUST (2021-)